A values-based framework to building a better world profitably and sustainably
Businesses are increasingly expected to deliver superior shareholder returns and addressed environmental and social sustainability concerns simultaneously. But is it possible to drive superior shareholder return by doing good?
Our study of global organisations that are doing well by doing good showed that champions of the environment and society see themselves as stewards of planet Earth and humanity. They proactively choose to create sustainability-first strategies that align profit with purpose. These champions are steward leaders.
Steward leadership enables a win-win-win future for stakeholders, society, and the environment.
Our executive education offerings equip business leaders and board directors with values-based skills and frameworks to pursue a worthy purpose without compromising profit and growth.
- We provide a values-based framework to allow you to align profit with purpose because achieving sustainability objectives requires more than rules, regulations, reporting and incentives.
- We integrate experiential learning in our educational programmes, using real-life stories of steward leadership in action from our ever-growing case repository.
- We do not just share the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of steward leadership. We equip you with research-based tools, frameworks and best practices.
- We believe in leaders-enabling-leaders. Learn from the best of the best thought leaders and practitioners, not just from academic faculty.
We offer open enrolment programmes, customised solutions and experiential learning for organisations that are keen to drive transformations that align profit with purpose.
The Steward Leadership Advantage
In partnership with the Singapore Management University, this 4-day open enrolment programme delivers an interactive experience for business leaders and individuals who want to integrate stewardship practices into their organisational growth strategies.
This programme is suitable for board directors, C-suite leaders and senior business leaders who wish to challenge their own thinking and create more sustainable growth for their organisations.
Learning outcomes include:
1) Redefine leadership and uncover the leadership energy to catalyse change
2) How to apply a stewardship-based governance model to promote innovation and accelerate sustainable win-win-win growth
3) Explore the challenges and opportunities of responsible use of data in an AI-driven ecosystem
4) Recognise the current direction and future capital flow trends in sustainable finance
5) Learn best practices from the best of the best steward leaders in action
Emerging Young Leaders
A series of workshops and programmes customised to empower youths to explore applications of stewardship practices and kickstart their steward leadership journey.
Learn more
Family Business and Corporate Solutions
We collaborate with leading experts and institutions to curate programmes that enable transformations that drive long-term success. Whether you are planning to build a legacy of positive social and environmental impact or transform your corporate culture into a strategic asset, our customised solutions are designed to fit each organisation’s unique needs. Participants will take away a values-based framework that put steward leadership in action across all functions and levels of the organisation.
Learning outcomes include:
1) How to adopt the Steward Leadership Compass and enable guiding principles for consistent ethical behavior and decision-making across all levels of the organisation.
2) How stewardship values contribute to staff engagement
and talent retention.
3) How stewardship values build trust, translating to stronger brand reputation and sustainable growth
4) How to foster an environment that encourages innovation and adaptability.
The Steward Leadership Impact
Get ready for a transformative five-day journey on 11-15 November 2024 with our Steward Leadership Impact study tour at Doi Tung, Mae Fah Luang District, Chiang Rai Province, Thailand. This learning journey you allow you to see and experience what steward leadership can achieve.
Experience participatory workshops and interact with the local community to learn how businesses can pioneer innovative approaches to create profitable solutions to today’s existential challenges. Discover how Steward Leaders can future-proof their organisations by activating the Steward Leadership Compass©.
This study tour is about transforming you into a leader of the future. Join us in Thailand for an unforgettable journey.